In this acclaimed
psychological thriller Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster), a young and ambitious
FBI agent, enlists the aid of a criminally insane ex-psychiatrist (Anthony
Hopkins) to help track down a vicious serial killer named "Buffalo
Bill" who skins his victims and who has kidnapped a girl, the only
daughter of a republican senator. (
Country U.S.A.
Year 1991
Duration 118 min.
Director Jonathan Demme
Screenwriter Ted Tally
(Novel: Thomas Harris)
Composer Tak Fujimoto
Cast Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Scott Glenn,
Ted Levine, Anthony Heald, Diane Baker, Brooke Smith, Tracey Walter, Kasi
Lemmons, Chris Isaak, Charles Napier, Roger Corman, Frankie Faison, Paul Lazar
Genre Thriller. Horror.
Rating ( 8,2
English audio with English subtitles:
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